Full-Time Course

We promise you can speak mandarin fluently only just in 8 weeks!

Schedule in 2015
2nd MarMon)~24th AprFri
4th MayMon)~26 th JunFri
6th JulMon)~28th AugFri
7th SepMon)~30th OctFri
2nd NovMon)~25th DecFri
You can attend the course anytime during these period of time.


Every Monday to Thursday 90015106 class hours
Friday 9
0012304 class hoursTotal : 224 class hours/Stage

First class hour900945

Second class hour9551040
Third class hour
Fourth class hour
Lunch Time and Break
Fifth class hour
Sixth class hour
You will have 10 min short break between every two class hours.

Whole Course:Every Monday to Thursday 9:00-15:10(6 class hours)Friday 9:00-12:30(4 class hours)
Part of the CourseGrammar:Mon/
Tue/Thu 9:00-10:40(2 class hours)Wed/Fri 9:00-12:30(4 class hours)
Part of the CourseConversation:Mon/
Tue/Thu 10:50-15:10(4 class hours)Wed 13:30-15:10(2 class hours)

The Types of Courses

Basics CourseStart from the very beginning. To master phonetics. Be capable of normal greetings and simple self-introduction.

Elementary Course250-1000-word vocabulary. To master 100 grammars and understand "Ba" sentence and "Bei"sentence. To master more complements (The directional complement, Complement of degree, The potential complement) and use associated word to express compound sentences. To know more about Chinese culture.Be able to write simple narrations. Be capable of complex communications and emotional expressions.

Intermediate Course1600-word vocabulary.To master more oral format,idioms,common saying and phrase.

To make daily conversations without difficulties, but still not completely capable of some abstract or complicated topics. No problem of brief understanding of Chinese TV program or newspaper. Be capable of writing simple official documents.

Student Numbers

Max: 8 students/class


Tuition Fess

Whole Course40RMBclass hour224 class hours×40RMB8,960RMB
Half Course
60RMBclass hour112 class hours×60RMB6,720RMB

Only taking the part of the course will cost you 60RMB/class hour from 1 class hour
112 class hours40RMB/class hours more than 113 class hours

If you take 130 class hours:(60RMB×112class hours)+(40RMB×18class hours)=7,440RMB
The price will be cheaper if you take more than 167 class hours or you take the whole course.
It is possible that you just take some part of the course.

Get Accommodation

We will sincerely provide you the information for getting accommodation. The price will be different due to the location.



If you take the whole course:
Please do the whole payment by cashUnion Pay card or international card at the first time you take the lesson.

If you take some part of the course:
Please contact us to confirm the time you can take the lessons,

Please do the whole payment when you confirm the total class hours,

We do not refund when the course started,
You can apply from the group lesson change into 1 to 1 class in 3 three days when the group lesson start.

Students who would like to do the payment by foreign exchange please transfer to :
Account Information:
Address No.28 Gaolan Rd. Luwan District Shanghai
Account Number
Swift CodeBKCHCNBJ300
Please confirm the exchange rate with our receptionist before you transfer the tuition fee.